About HVC L.I.V.E.

The Higher Vocational College L.I.V.E.

The Higher Vocational College L.I.V.E. (HVC L.I.V.E.) is a tertiary institution, and part of the education centre Prometna šola Maribor, Slovenia. 

It was established in 2002 as the first higher vocational college of transport and logistics in Slovenia. It currently offers short cycle study programmes Logistics Engineering, Computer Science and Information Technology, Environmental Science, and Economics. 

All study programmes are set up to meet the needs of the local, national and international economies, with approximately 40 % of the curricula devoted to the practical training in companies. 

We endeavour to be the leading vocational college in the region and constantly develop the quality of our management and study processes and thus contribute to the economic development of the north-eastern Slovenia. 




1st year
Business Communication and Management 5 ECTS
English for Specific Purposes – Logistics 5 ECTS
Computer Science and Information Technology in Logistics 5 ECTS
Applied Mathematics in Logistics 5 ECTS
Basics of Economics in Logistics 5 ECTS
Basics of Logistics 7 ECTS
Means of Transport in Logistics 5 ECTS
Warehouse Technique and Technology 5 ECTS
Open Curriculum Course I 5 ECTS
Practical Training I (400 hours) 13 ECTS
2nd year
Supply Chains 5 ECTS
Digitization of Logistics Processes 5 ECTS
Entrepreneurship 5 ECTS
Logistics in Procurement and Sales 5 ECTS
Transport Process Planning 7 ECTS
Last Mile Distribution 5 ECTS
Open Curriculum Course II 5 ECTS
Free Elective Course 5 ECTS
Practical Education II (400 hours) 13 ECTS
Internal Logistics 7 ECTS
Automation of Material Handling Processes 5 ECTS
Open Curriculum Couse II 5 ECTS
Free Elective Course 5 ECTS
Practical Training II (400 hours) 13 ECTS
Diploma 5 ECTS
1st year
English for Specific Purposes – Computer Science and Information Technology 5 ECTS
Business Communication and Management 5 ECTS
Information Technology in the Company 5 ECTS
Computer Systems and Maintenance 7 ECTS
Systems Software 5 ECTS
Computer Networks 6 ECTS
Programming I 7 ECTS
Databases I 7 ECTS
Practical Training I (400 hours) 13 ECTS
2nd Year (modular)
Business Economics and Entrepreneurship 5 ECTS
Planning and Development of IT Products 5 ECTS
Server Systems 6 ECTS
Advanced Computer Networks 6 ECTS
Programming II 6 ECTS
Databases II 6 ECTS
Virtual and Augmented Reality 5 ECTS
Development of Computer Games 5 ECTS
Artificial Intelligence in Informatics 5 ECTS
Internet of Things 5 ECTS
Development of Online Solutions 5 ECTS
Cyber Security and Ethical Hacking 5 ECTS
Electronic Mobile Business 5 ECTS
Multimedia 5 ECTS
Open Curriculum Course 10 ECTS
Free Elective Course 5 ECTS
Practical Training II (400 hours) 13 ECTS
Diploma 5 ECTS
1st year
Business Communication and Management 5 ECTS
English for Specific Purposes – Environmental Science 5 ECTS
Computer Science and Information Technology 5 ECTS
Environmental Systems 6 ECTS
Environmental Natural Science 5 ECTS
Environmental Processes 5 ECTS
Circular Waste Management 6 ECTS
Sustainability Reporting 5 ECTS
Open Curriculum Course I 5 ECTS
Practical Training I (400 hours) 13 ECTS
2nd Year (modular)
Circular Water Management 6 ECTS
Sustainable Space Management 5 ECTS
Efficient Use of Energy 4 ECTS
Environmental Economics 4 ECTS
Industrial Pollution 5 ECTS
Sustainability Reporting in Industry 4 ECTS
Water in Industry 4 ECTS
Sustainable Entrepreneurship 5 ECTS
Project Management 4 ECTS
Financing Environmental Projects 4 ECTS
Module: MUNICIPIAL SERVICES (optional)
Maintenance of Public Areas 5 ECTS
Drinking Water Supply 4 ECTS
Sewage and Wastewater Treatment 4 ECTS
Module: RURAL ENVIRONMENT (optional)
Rural Development and Management 5 ECTS
Agriculture Impacts on the Environment 4 ECTS
Soil Use and Protection 4 ECTS
Open Curriculum Course Subject II 5 ECTS
Free Elective Course 5 ECTS
Practical Training II (400 Hours) 13 ECTS
Diploma 5 ECTS
Business English 6 ECTS
Business Communication 6 ECTS
Information Technology 5 ECTS
Business Mathematics with Statistics 6 ECTS
Company Organization and Management 6 ECTS
Economics 5 ECTS
Basics of Business Finance 6 ECTS
Marketing 6 ECTS
Sales 8 ECTS
Procurement 6 ECTS
Business Law 6 ECTS
Quality Assurance and Assessment 5 ECTS
Product Design and Technological Processes 6 ECTS
Business Logistics 5 ECTS
Practical Training I and II (800 hours) 14 ECTS
Free Elective Course 5 ECTS
Diploma 5 ECTS


Erasmus policy Statement (EPS) 

The modernization and internationalization strategy of the Higher Vocational College L.I.V.E.  defines enhanced cooperation in the field of international mobility and projects (Student Mobility for Studies and/or for Traineeships, Staff Mobility for Teaching and for Training, and participation in international projects). We organize the Erasmus+ Week annually, actively participate at international conferences and organize them periodically. Thus, we strive for improvements of the quality and relevance of education at the HVC L.I.V.E., in order to offer the students a real-life education and training for their future employment and to enhance the recognition of the HVC L.I.V.E.  in the European community.  

We are continuously extending our partner network by actively participating at international events, through personal contacts and by organizing international events at the HVC L.I.V.E. The strategic partners are sought out and selected according to the relevance of the study programmes (logistics, computer science and information technology, environmental science, economics) and according to the benefits the HVC L.I.V.E. strives to gain in the quality of education for its students, professional growth of the academic staff and the institution as a whole.   

By participating in the Erasmus+ programme we endeavour to increase the recognition of the HVC L.I.V.E.  in the European community, enhance the quality of education and traineeships, in order to contribute to the integration of higher professional education, business excellence and development of the region.   

The main objectives of the HVC L.I.V.E. in the Erasmus+ programme by 2027 is to increase the students outgoing mobilities, and number visiting lectures, to enable creative and innovative study opportunities, which will build the students’ professional, social and intercultural skills and employability. Staff mobilities are focused on creating inclusive higher education programmes.    

Maribor, May 2024  

DK Lillebaelt Academy of Professional Higher Education, Odense 

CZ Czech Technical University of Prague, Faculty of Transportation Sciences 

CZ College of Logistics, Prerov 

CZ Higher Vocational School of Business and Trade, Prerov 

HR Polytechnic of Rijeka 

HR University of Split 

HR Polytechnic of Međimurje in Čakovec 

CZ Czech Technical University of Prague 

HR Polytechnic of Rijeka  

HR Polytechnic of Međimurje in Čakovec  

LT Vilnius College of Technologies and Design 

RS Akademija tehnickih strukovnih studija Beograd  

RS Visoka Tehnicka Skola Strukovnih Studija u Novom Sadu 

TR Izmir Kavram Vocational College of Higher Education  

HR University of Dubrovnik 

LT Vilnius University of Applied Engineering Sciences, Faculty of Technical Sciences 

LT Kauno Kolegija / University of Applied Sciences 

PL Silesian University of Technology, Faculty of Transport 

TR Istanbul Kavram Vocational College of Higher Education 

TR Beykent University, Istanbul 

TR Sakarya University 

Lectures in English are offered in the spring semester, from February to July. There is no tuition fee and you can get all study materials at the college.   

For more information on the courses, placement and how to apply, or if you need more information about accommodation, please ask the contact person.  

Application deadline for spring semester only: 20 December 

Studying in Slovenia

If you are fluent in the Slovenian language, you can join any course from the lists here (Study Programmes).

Courses in English offered to the Erasmus+ incoming students by the HVC L.I.V.E. 

Logistics only 


HVC LIVE uses the European Credit Transfer System (ECTS), which is used to compare higher education in the EU. A certain number of ECTS points are awarded for each completed course.   

One academic year corresponds to 60 ECTS credits, equivalent to 1500-1800 hours of study in all countries regardless of standard or qualification type and is used to facilitate transfer and progression throughout the Union.  

 Grading System

Please send your Learning Agreement (or in OLA app), your Europass CV and your Transcript of Records in English to Ziva Trstenjak, the HVC L.I.V.E. Erasmus coordinator: ziva.trstenjak@vpsmb.eu  

The incoming Erasmus+ students can live in the HVC L.I.V.E. Students’ Dormitory. 

Please send the Accommodation Application Form to: ziva.trstenjak@vpsmb.eu 


Erasmus+ Week 2024
(11. – 15. 3. 2024)

The Higher Vocational College L.I.V.E. invites you to the Erasmus+ Week 2024, taking place in Maribor from 11 to 15 March 2024.
It will be an opportunity for the teachers to give visiting lectures at our college under Erasmus+ Mobility for Teaching and for other staff members (Mobility for Training) who would like to find out more about our college, the Slovenian language and culture etc.

More: Invitation >> CLICK


Erasmus+ Coordinator at VCTT

Ms Ziva Trstenjak
Preradoviceva ulica 33
SI-2000 Maribor

tel.: +386 2 429 41 06

e-mail: ziva.trstenjak@vpsmb.eu